Dirt Minds Late 60s of 20th Century The bend didn't ride on the crest of the wave of late sixties, but was shaken thoroughly with the power of its ideas. Vietnam war was at its peak, so the slogans like GIVE PACE A CHANCE, under the familiar symbol of PEACE, fell on the fertile soil. R'N'R music was of the essence of spreading the idea. No doubt, the symbol of the movement was Mr. John Lennon, whose sincerity and courage were unprecedented. As much as he was sincere in his undertakings he was also as much naïve (and so, even more, were the fellows involved in the romantic story of The Last Step.). As a result, he paid the ultimate price for trying to make his dreams (about a better world) come true. His assassination is a landmark in human history. It was a hard proof that bare, brutal force, applied by few, dexterous but perfidious and ruthless elite groups, is what shapes the future of humanity. They see nothing but their personal interest so being a symbol of gr...